HEROS v1 was launched on the 16th April 2015 at the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists Annual Conference in Cardiff. There is currently a small one-off fee for the software source-code, which can merit a reduction or fee waiver, judged on a case by case basis. This fee will be reviewed in the future and may be removed altogether to allow the HEROS Community to grow more organically. However, for the moment the fee has been applied to support the Community with administrative matters such as website administration, the packaging of the software, promotion and distribution fees.

All future add-ons and new features are free of charge to those who use and develop the system. A current list of Core and Optional features are available on this website. We also have a number of current developments in progress…

Portable Antiquities Scheme Module

Characterisation Module

Report Tool Module v. 2

User Group Manager v. 2

Off-line Application – HEROS Light