What does HEROS cost?
The cost of HEROS.
Most organisations wishing to use the HEROS data management system will need to pay a one-off software distribution fee of £500. This fee includes a year’s membership of the Development Group. Subsequent annual membership of that group, if desired, brings a number of benefits and costs £150 per annum. This fee covers basic running costs of the HEROS Development Group. It supports the creation and maintenance of the HEROS website, including hosting and domain fees, clerical administration and hire of meeting rooms.
If data migration from existing systems is required then separate costs for that will need to be obtained by the user. The HEROS Development Group can provide details of individuals/organisations who will undertake data migration if required.
Academic use of HEROS
University departments and HLF projects pay the full £500 software distribution fee.
HEROS is free for students with no source of funding to acquire data management software. Students who have used HEROS might be requested to provide a case study for the HEROS website, within 6 months of their project’s completion. Such a request will depend on the nature of the project undertaken.
The cost of acquiring HEROS for community groups is considered on a case-by-case basis.